Living by this lifestyle means being totally loyal to the Emperor, even when he's a naive kid who can barely grow facial hair. Samurai are trustworthy and honest, and not interested in material things. Honor dominates everything they do. Oh and they also don't fear death. Sweet.
A less peaceful part of this code includes Seppuku or 'disembowelment.' this involves the shamed slicing a knife into his belly, spilling his guts before a friend cuts off his head. Apparently the disgrace is too much to bear. I will never understand this!
The Samurai creed includes such concepts as "I have no parents; I make the Heavens and the Earth my parents." "I have no magic power; I make personality my Magic Power." "I have no castle; I make my Immovable Mind my Castle." and " I have no friends, I make my Mind my Friend."
Bushido originated during the 9th and 12th centuries, from a warrior class of Samurai known as bushi. They later became a ruling class but died out. Bushido is not very present in our society today. You don't see a lot of people honoring others for no reason or disregarding material wealth. Okay definitely not that! I think it should be, if only a little. The world could use more quietness and peace and respect, and I think a lot of people today forget the significance of respect to friends, family, and peers.
Who knows? We might be able to benefit from the Samurai....
very well written saul.